Rugbeian Community Giving Day 2024

On 13-14 May 2024 we are holding our second ever Rugby School and Bilton Grange Giving Day.  

Over the course of 36 hours, we invite Rugbeians and Biltonians, along with parents, grandparents, staff, pupils, and friends from the UK and around the world to come together and celebrate the profound impact of our education on shaping our lives and the communities where we live and work. We recognise that we have a unique opportunity to share this education and to open our doors even wider so that we reflect the vibrancy of modern Britain by offering fully funded boarding bursaries at Rugby School and Bilton Grange.  

There are numerous ways to get involved - from taking part in events and challenges, sharing our posts on social media to making a gift – we want you to be part of it.

We’re all in! And we hope you will be inspired to join us.

What are we fundraising for?
Rank State Gifts
Don't forget to share!

Questions? See our FAQ.

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